Saturday, June 25, 2011

Hiding the truth about Obama's Strategic Oil Reserve promise

Note:  Censorship of my remarks at PolitiFact's Facebook page has turned so ubiquitous that I am dispensing with screen captures except where it seems necessary to establish context.

Here's the latest bit of apparently partisan censorship, though a number have occurred over the past two days:

David Stockdale made a decent point (response reformatted to improve the blog presentation):
People cannot seem to get it through their heads that this is essentially an effort to stimulate the economy.
Mr. Stockdale put his finger on the missing piece in PolitiFact's fact check. In the original context, President Obama said he and VP Biden advocated the necessity of using the SPR because a condition of economic emergency exists.

If Obama receives credit for fulfilling that promise, it should be recognized that Obama is declaring a state of economic emergency--in the midst of "Recovery Summer" Pt. 2.
Barack Obama and Joe Biden believe we have an economic emergency that requires a limited, responsible swap of light oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) for heavy crude oil to help bring down prices at the pump.

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