Saturday, June 25, 2011

What if people learned that the U.S. prints its own money? (Updated)

Disaster!  Somebody at Facebook or PolitiFact should do something to make sure that doesn't happen.

In other words, I've got another example of a post that failed to get past the censors at PolitiFact's Facebook page.  But first, the genius of Jeff Hussain, whose misinformation is apparently exactly the sort of thing PolitiFact wants published in its discussion area:
Jeff Hussain I am all for decriminalizing drug and eliminating the DEA. Not only would we save billions annually we would generate billions in revenue. As far as the deficit is concerned... until our gov't creates its own currency, instead of borrowing money at interest, our debt and deficit problems will never go away.
If I remember correctly, Jeff D. of Bewz Newz 'n' Vewz and PolitiFact Bias pointed out essentially the same statement from Hussain in a different spot a few weeks ago.  Of course it's absurd because the U.S. government does, in fact, print money as part of its efforts to manage the economy.  But clearing up Hussain's misinformation, at least for a supposedly non-real person, or an alien-head avatar or something, just isn't that easy these days.  The censors wouldn't let this one pass:

Bryan White
Jeff H. wrote in part

"... until our gov't creates its own currency..."

As there's no suggestion of sarcasm, it seems safe to say that Hussain possesses a substantial degree of ignorance about economics.

That one wouldn't publish.  What could I publish, I wondered?  The next post did appear in the public view:
Bryan White
What a surprise. Another ReThuglican who can't tell the truth (just experimenting to see what kind of content I'm allowed to post).
It's sure good to know that "ReThuglican" won't get me censored. I'll have to remember that one.

I've yet to absolutely confirm any instance in which I had a post fail to appear initially and then appear in the general public view right away.  This suggests some sort of automatic filtering process rather than censorship by an individual judging on a case-by-case basis.  The criteria remain mysterious.


I've bypassed the censors.  I wonder how long it will be until jackbooted thugs show up at my door?

Same URLs, just shortened with a popular Twitter-associated Web tool.

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